Al IBDAA International Private Schoolと日本の学生との交流は、ブサイディ大使の学生同士の交流の促進についての暖かい理解と川崎市立橘高校の積極的な受け入れ協力により実現しました。オマーンの学生35名(引率の先生3名)、橘高校から28名(引率の先生2名(外山先生、張先生))が参加されました。




 オマーンと日本の若い世代による異文化交流、友好の活動は、イスラムの歴史、文化の理解と尊重を深め、両国の友好親善の輪を拡大、発展させます。 協会は、ブサイディ大使と緊密に連携、協力し、若い世代の友好交流に貢献する活動に引き続き努めて参ります。

The friendship exchange between Omani students and Japanese students

The exchange between AI IBDAA International Private School from Oman and Japanese students was made possible by Dr. Ambassador Al Busaidi’s kind understanding of the need to promote student-to-student exchanges and the willingness of Kawasaki Tachibana High School to cooperate and participate. Thirty-five students from Oman (accompanied by 3 teachers) and 28 students from Tachibana High School (accompanied by 2 teachers, Ms. Toyama and Ms. Zhang) participated in the exchange program.
At the beginning of the event, Ambassador Busaidi gave a welcome speech. The Ambassador continued by introducing Oman as a country with a rich history and culture, explaining the importance of friendship with Japan and his work as Ambassador. He invited questions from both the Omani and Japanese students and attentively answered each one.
After the Ambassador’s welcoming speech and a warm exchange, the students voluntarily broke into mixed groups of two countries, for an enjoyable exchange of ideas and deepening of friendships.
This student exchange was carried out on the initiative of Omani and Japanese students who are interested in international exchange, and in the manner of direct dialogue in English.
Cross-cultural exchange and friendship activities between the young generations of Oman and Japan will deepen understanding and respect for Islamic history and culture, and expand and develop the circle of friendship and goodwill between the two countries.
Japan Oman Society will continue to work closely and cooperate with Ambassador Busaidi in activities that contribute to friendship and exchange among the younger generation.